CellGPU  0.8.0
GPU-accelerated simulations of cells
Macros | Functions | Variables
functions.h File Reference
#include "std_include.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "gpuarray.h"
#include <set>
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#define HOSTDEVICE   inline __attribute__((always_inline))


HOSTDEVICE Dscalar Det2x2 (const Dscalar &x11, const Dscalar &x12, const Dscalar &x21, const Dscalar &x22)
 Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.
HOSTDEVICE void Circumcenter (const Dscalar2 &x1, const Dscalar2 &x2, Dscalar2 &xc)
 Calculates the circumcenter of the circle passing through x1, x2 and the origin.
HOSTDEVICE void Circumcenter (const Dscalar2 &x1, const Dscalar2 &x2, const Dscalar2 &x3, Dscalar2 &xc)
 Calculates the circumcenter through x1,x2,x3.
template<typename T >
 __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void removeDuplicateVectorElements(vector< T > &data)
 remove duplicate elements from a vector, preserving the order, using sets More...
newData resize (n-1)
ArrayHandle< T > h1 (newData, access_location::host, access_mode::overwrite)
 for (int i=0;i< n;++i) = h.data[i]
newData resize (n-indices.size())
 __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void printDscalar2(Dscalar2 a)
 print a Dscalar2 to screen
newData resize (n+extraElements)
ArrayHandle< T > hnew (newData, access_location::host, access_mode::overwrite)
data swap (newData)
 if (Nvector > Narray) copydata.resize(Nvector)
ArrayHandle< T > handle (copydata, access_location::host, access_mode::overwrite)
ArrayHandle< T > handle (data, access_location::host, access_mode::read)
copydata resize (n)
HOSTDEVICE void Circumcircle (const Dscalar2 &x1, const Dscalar2 &x2, Dscalar2 &xc, Dscalar &radius)
 Get the circumcenter and radius, given one of the points on the circumcircle is the origin...
HOSTDEVICE void Circumcircle (const Dscalar2 &x1, const Dscalar2 &x2, const Dscalar2 &x3, Dscalar2 &xc, Dscalar &radius)
 Get the circumcenter and radius given three distinct points on the circumcirle.
HOSTDEVICE Dscalar dot (const Dscalar2 &p1, const Dscalar2 &p2)
 The dot product between two vectors of length two.
HOSTDEVICE Dscalar norm (const Dscalar2 &p)
 The norm of a 2-component vector.
HOSTDEVICE bool inAnnulus (const Dscalar2 &p1, const Dscalar &rmin, const Dscalar &rmax)
 test if a point lies in an annulus, given the inner and outer radii
HOSTDEVICE Dscalar SignedPolygonAreaPart (const Dscalar2 &p1, const Dscalar2 &p2)
 Calculate the area of a triangle with a vertex at the origin.
HOSTDEVICE Dscalar TriangleArea (const Dscalar2 &p1, const Dscalar2 &p2)
 Calculate the area of a triangle with a vertex at the origin.
HOSTDEVICE void getdhdr (Matrix2x2 &dhdr, const Dscalar2 &rij, const Dscalar2 &rik)
 Calculate matrix of derivatives needed in the 2D Voronoi model. More...
HOSTDEVICE void getdhdgamma (Dscalar2 &dhdg, const Dscalar2 &rij, const Dscalar2 &rik)
 Calculate the derivative of a Voronoi vertex w/r/t shear strain. More...
HOSTDEVICE int computeSign (Dscalar x)
 compute the sign of a Dscalar, and return zero if x = 0
HOSTDEVICE Dscalar computeSignNoCast (Dscalar x)
 compute the sign of a Dscalar, and return zero if x = 0...but return a Dscalar to avoid expensive casts on the GPU
HOSTDEVICE void computeForceSetVertexModel (const Dscalar2 &vcur, const Dscalar2 &vlast, const Dscalar2 &vnext, const Dscalar &Adiff, const Dscalar &Pdiff, Dscalar2 &dEdv)
 compute a force on a vertex from changing cell vertices More...
HOSTDEVICE int Quadrant (Dscalar x, Dscalar y)
 Calculate which quadrant the point (x,y) is in.


int index
GPUArray< T > newData
int idx = 0
 data = newData
vector< int > indices
int n = data.getNumElements()
int vectorIndex = 0
int extraElements
GPUArray< T > & copydata
int Nvector = data.size()