Open Qmin  0.8.0
GPU-accelerated Q-tensor-based liquid crystal simulations
Contributing to landau deGUI

Contributions are welcomed via pull requests on the repository homepage! Before beginning work and submitting a pull request, please contact the lead developer (currently Daniel Sussman) to see if your intended feature is under development by anyone else at the moment and to make sure your plans match up well with the existing code base.

Currently planned features

Lots of stuff! We are particularly keen on adding additional model and updater classes to handle active liquid crystals, so that seems like a likely next target. If you are interested in contributing to any of these development branches please contact the lead developer!

Source code conventions


Code should be written in a style consistent with the existing code base. As a brief summary, the Whitesmith indentation style should be used, and 4 spaces, and not tabs, should be used to indent lines. A soft maximum line length of 120 characters should be used, with very long lines of code broken at some natural point.

Variable names should be descriptive; prefer lowerCamelCase names to other options. When using ArrayHandles stick to the h_variableName and d_variableName convention for accessing GPUArrays on either the host or device.

Rules are meant to be broken when doing so improves readability or comprehensibility. But they're not meant to be broken too much.


Every class, member, function, etc., should be documented with doxygen comments. Thanks!