Open Qmin  0.8.0
GPU-accelerated Q-tensor-based liquid crystal simulations
Functions File Reference
#include "hyperrectangularCellList.cuh"
#include "indexer.h"
#include "periodicBoundaryConditions.h"
Include dependency graph for


__global__ void gpu_compute_cell_list_kernel (dVec *d_pt, unsigned int *d_elementsPerCell, int *d_particleIndices, dVec *d_cellParticlePos, int Np, unsigned int Nmax, iVec gridCellsPerSide, dVec gridCellSizes, IndexDD cellIndexer, Index2D cellListIndexer, int *d_assist)
bool gpu_compute_cell_list (dVec *d_pt, unsigned int *d_cell_sizes, int *d_idx, dVec *d_cellParticlePos, int Np, int &Nmax, iVec gridCellsPerSide, dVec gridCellSizes, BoxPtr Box, IndexDD &ci, Index2D &cli, int *d_assist)
 Find the set indices of points in every cell bucket in the grid. More...